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Friday, January 30, 2015

Emerging Artist: Doug Seegers

Doug Seegers never gave up on his love for music. At the age of 16, Seegers had a dream of becoming a country singer. People told him it would never happen but he kept strumming his guitar. At 62, Seegers finally got the break he had been trying so hard to get.  

I first heard of Seegers’ story on WNYC’s Morning Edition via NPR. Seeger was homeless and living on the streets of Nashville, Tenn. Jill Johnson, a singer from Sweden was in town shooting a segment for her TV show about “down-and-out musicians,” and discovered Seegers. She found Seeger playing his guitar and singing his song near a food pantry where he usually sets up shop.

After Johnson heard his heartfelt, soulful lyrics, she and Seegers headed to the studio to record his song for her show. Days later, his song – Going Down to the River, rose to the No.1 spot on Swedish iTunes. (See Seegers’ full story: Homeless in Nashville, Huge in Sweden

October 2014, Seegers released his debut album, Going Down to the River. If you appreciate country music like I do then I suggest you buy his album, which you can purchase on iTunes

Seegers’ story of not giving up speaks volumes. It’s a constant reminder to hold on to your dreams. I hope you’re holding on to yours. 

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