New Year, New Me
Get a new job
Limit my time of Facebook
Get better friends
Get rid of toxic friends
Take care of me
No, these aren’t my resolutions for 2014 but I’ve seen these
and a list of others in my newsfeeds leading up to 2014. (Ok, well two of those were mine from 2013. I now have better friends and I keep the toxic ones at a distance.)
I recently told a friend of mine to write out his
resolutions. “I must admit that putting it on paper surely put the things that
are important to me into perspective,” he wrote in an e-mail.
After he wrote out his desires for 2014 he shared his resolutions with me. I then advised him to print it off, place the list somewhere he can see it every single day, and to carry a copy in his wallet. That way he can always see exactly what he’s striving for. He plans to put it on the back of his bedroom door.
After he wrote out his desires for 2014 he shared his resolutions with me. I then advised him to print it off, place the list somewhere he can see it every single day, and to carry a copy in his wallet. That way he can always see exactly what he’s striving for. He plans to put it on the back of his bedroom door.

In the beginning of 2013 I made a vision board and every
morning when I opened my eyes my goals for the year were right there on the
wall staring me in the face. Quite a few things manifested from my vision board
and I must say I held my head up a little higher.
For the goals I didn’t accomplish, I put them back on my 2014
vision board. The primary reason why I didn’t accomplish some of those plans is
because I allowed others to place doubt in my head. So I stopped listening to
the negative, I’ve stopped sharing and I told non-believers to shut their face.
Don’t just write down your resolutions and put them aside.
You have to constantly work on every item on the list. Surround yourself with likeminded
people to help you attain your goals. Get out and network. Do your research.
Weigh the pros and cons. Mentally prepare yourself for defeat and success. Yes,
there may be setbacks…it’s normal. Expect the unexpected. Be thankful. Be inspired.
Be fearless. Be humble. Be passionate. But most importantly, don’t give up!
Well, it’s time to put those plans into action. Are you ready
to get the job done? Tweet me @TCsViews to share your #resolutions2014 or
e-mail me astutestories@gmail.com.
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