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Monday, November 24, 2014

Trending Reads: Recommended Good Reads

On Sept. 25, 2014, I wrote a book review on Steve Harvey’s newest book, Act Like a Success, Think Like a Success, which still pops up in my “What’s Trending” feed on Twitter. However, there are a couple of classic books I would love to see get a hashtag and boosted on the trend-o-sphere.

As a journalist, I have the gene that makes me want to read everything I get my hands on. Well, not exactly everything. I am not a fan of romance novels or crime thrillers. Instead, I am drawn to authors whose real life stories stick with me days, months and years after the story has ended.

For example … I suggest reading anything authored by Mitch Albom

  • Five People You Meet in Heaven
  • Tuesdays with Morrie
  • For One More Day
  • Have a Little Faith

All of which I've read and I recommend that you read too.

Depending on the book, great reads can bring out several emotions in human beings. They can make you laugh, cry, reflect and help you make life changing decisions. 

There was a time my confidence was shattered and I was ready to toss my journalism degree and years of experience in the trash. Editors at my first financial reporting job were harsh, except for one. On my last day before moving on to another company, one editor gave me Anne Lamott's book, Bird by Bird. It got my creative juices flowing and gave me a boost of confidence for my next financial reporting gig. The book also gave me the inspiration to write and share inspirational stories through this blog. (Thanks Amanda!)

If you are having second thoughts of writing that book, or a tough time piecing that package together for sweeps…I suggest you get Bird by Bird. It's a quick read and I am sure you will get back into the swing of things. 

My ultimate favorite, one that is in constant rotation, the one I reference the most and suggest to everyone to keep by their bedside, Rhonda Byrne's The Secret

TC's Views Book Collection
My library of books is a small collection ... some of which I have yet to read. A while back I  added Decision Points to the stack. It's a heartfelt, compassionate, informative and funny read. I've recommended this book to one of my dear friends and she ended up liking it. I even got my daughter's teenage friend interested in wanting to read it. 

What about you? What books do you recommend that I add to my shelf?

More suggestions are on the way. 

If you have any good reads feel free to drop a line in the comment box or tweet me @TCsViews.

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